Growing a business is not an easy feat. To begin with, you need to have a concrete idea. You’ll then have to find your niche, decide on your target demographic and have a valuable commodity to sell them. Whether you’re offering a product, service or information, getting the word out about your venture can be quite burdensome. Without the right marketing strategies, your company may have a difficult time staying afloat. A marketing strategy refers to the approach a business takes in order to reach its desired customers.[1] It is a highly important component of business growth because it enables businesses to create products and services best suited for specific demographics in order to maximise profit. In this article we’ll look at some of these marketing strategies.


Social media has quickly become one of the defining pillars of the digital age. It therefore goes without saying that this is one of the best resources to use when marketing your business. Many brands have achieved massive success solely due to social media marketing.

Platforms such as Instagram and Twitter can be used to post about your business in order to get the word out. You can also reach out to other successful businesses and even communicate with potential customers. LinkedIn is a social media platform designed specifically to cater to professionals looking to network.

The most important thing when using social media as a marketing tool is authenticity. Post relevant content that you think will be useful to your audience in learning more about you and your business. You can also hire a social media manager to help you manage these accounts.

With all these benefits to social media marketing, it is important to note that there are some challenges involved. For instance, managing social media accounts can be time consuming as consumer engagement increases. Additionally, there is a lot of competition as there are loads of marketers looing to promote their brands on social media. You’ll have to invest time, money and effort in order to keep up with the competition.


Blog marketing is the process of using blog content to reach your target consumer audience. Today, business owners can easily integrate blogging and marketing to make it for easier management as well convenient visitor access.

WordPress is a blogging platform that has contributed to the massive growth and success of many businesses. In fact, many business owners use the platform for both their blog and website.

The main advantages of this marketing strategy is that it is inexpensive. It is also fairly easy to use and builds traffic to your website due to the fact that people are interested in the new content you offer. As your blog grows in popularity, other brands may reach out to post ads on your website. This can be another source of revenue as well.


This strategy is highly effective in ensuring the success of a business. Most of the big and small brands that are doing so well usually collaborate with influencers i.e. individuals who are popular or well known in society to promote their brands.

It pays, to have someone who has influence in the society tell other people why they love your brand. This form of marketing is especially popular among prominent YouTubers who get paid/ sponsored by businesses to promote their brands to their audiences.

The advantage pf this marketing strategy is that your brand is exposed to a new and wide audience and this therefore generates more customers for your business. Not to mention the fact that it saves on time and resources as well due to the fact that someone else is marketing your brand for you and all you have to do is pay them a sum of money.


This is essentially a seminar that takes place online. These are great for marketing because they are especially engaging compared to regular videos. Here, potential customers are able to engage with you directly, in real time. They are able to ask questions about your company and you can administer various presentations and seek feedback as well.

Mshimba Michelle

[1] https://www.investopedia.com/terms/m/marketing-strategy.asp

[2] https://www.lyfemarketing.com/blog/types-of-marketing-strategies/

[3] https://en.ryte.com/wiki/Blog_Marketing

[4] https://buildfire.com/marketing-strategies-for-small-businesses/

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